The judges wish to recognize the Award of Recognition winners for their achievement in a specific category of entry
Alex Westrick, Jeffry Lawrence and Mike Wargo (USA), Stage 5, Film Feature (Student)
Alexandria Delgado (USA), Bye Bye Baby, Film Short
Ally Christmas (USA), Overwrite, Experimental (Student)
Aneel Ahmad (United Kingdom), Emmott & Rowland, Christian
Angelo Donnelly (USA), The Choices We Make, Actor: Leading (Student) (Ignacyo Matynia as Jake Monroe)
Anthony J. Caruso (USA), Brotherly Love, Actor: Leading (Anthony J. Caruso as Brother Vito), LGBT
Benjamin Zhang and Dewi Tan (USA), The Cycle, LGBT
Bimal K H (India), Lusitanian Girl, Film Short
Bob Hiltermann (USA), This is Ed!!, Film Short
Brooke Lewis (USA), Ms. Vampy’s Tween Tawk, Teen Tawk & In Between Tawk, Public Service Programming / PSA
Carly Keyes (USA), Recovering, Television – Pilot Program
Charlie Gelbart (USA), The Charlie Orange Show, Web / Internet Programming
Christopher Sin (USA), Uber Driver, Actor: Leading (Student) (Christopher Sin as Emo)
Colin Murphy (USA), Bound, Webisode
Daniel Chan (China), Home and Winter Snow and Time Flies, Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger
Daniel Cook (United Kingdom), The King and I, Documentary Short (Student)
Delphino S. Huang (United Kingdom), After Meteor’s Trail, Animation (Student) and Phantom Body, Actress: Leading (Student) (Melanie Vanderford as Aimee Gladwin)
Derek Frey (United Kingdom), GOD CAME ‘ROUND, Actor: Leading (Deep Roy as Sandeep), Jewish, Music Video
Despite the Rumors (USA), WTF, Music Video
Diana Dai (Canada), SARS: Cover up and aftermath, Documentary Short
Emad Asfoury (USA), Egypt Revisited, Documentary Short
Erik Almquist (USA), The Great Unknown, Film Short
Fabrizio Piras (Italy), SARDINIA IN A DAY, Experimental
Francesca Nobili (USA), Amatriciana, Women Filmmaker
Geoffrey James (USA), The Blood Pope, Animation
Hannah Niccum (USA), GORILLA, Music Video
Herbert Golder (USA), Ballad of a Righteous Merchant, Documentary Feature
Jay Do (Viet Nam), Melody Short Film, Film Short (Student)
Jesse Levi Sutherland (Australia), Repetition, Film Short
Jessica Abrams and Shaelynn Parker (USA), KNOCKING ON DOORS, Web Series
Jill Tenney (USA), Zen Rage, Web Series
Joanna Joy (Australia), Pane Di Vita, Women Filmmakers (Student)
Joe Scott (United Kingdom), IS THIS NOW, Actress: Leading (Sabrina Dickens as Ingrid), Actress: Supporting (Anu Hasan as Mrs. Murray), Film Feature
John Balazs (Australia), Dancer, Film Short
Johnny Chiu (USA), Thumbs Up, Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger
Jonathon Gauthier (USA), Lure, Film Short (Student)
Jorn Winther, Blue Moxie (USA), Do It or Die, Actress: Leading (Denise DuBarry as Elaine Chaddick)
Joshua Branstetter, Branstetter Film (USA), Old Harbor, New Hope, Native American / Aboriginal Peoples
Kira Sipler, Shoreline Community College (USA), Legacy, Film Short (Student)
Kyle Thornton (USA), A Hitch List, Television – Pilot Program
Lewis Tan (USA), A Bone to Pick, LGBT
Lux – (Canada), Red Island, Actress: Leading (Alex Essoe as Amy)
Madeleine Arundale (USA), Fox and Bear, Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger
Marc Ponthus (USA), Suddenly, piano, Film Short
Marco Rosson (Italy), Shanda’s River, Film Feature
Marcus Ross, Clover Bloom Productions (USA), Lazy Circles, Television – Pilot Program
Mariya Somova (USA), Fail, Film Feature
Mason Boudreau (USA), Jade, Film Feature
Matlock Bobechko (Canada), Our Beneficiary, Film Short
Mohammad Alkazemi (USA), The Hammer, Film Short
Nalini Asha Biggs (USA), What’s my line?, Disability Issues and Native Like Water: We’re Still Here, Native American / Aboriginal Peoples (Student)
Nicole Tay (USA), Law and Order: White Fragility SVU, Asian (Student)
Richard Watts (USA), Miss Bonita Springs 1967, Actress: Leading (Deborah Smith Ford as BeBe Nowitski – Miss Bonita Springs), Film Short
Robbie Ward (USA), Annihilation, Animation
Robert Nishimura (Japan), Go! Go! Second-Time Gaijin, Asian
Russ Emanuel (USA), Collar, Movie Trailer
Safoi Babana-Hampton (USA), Growing up Hmong at the Crossroads, Documentary Feature
Sherrie Quannea (USA), #WeMatter, Film Short
Terry Ross (USA), Carving A Life, Actor: Leading (Tyler Bruhn as Mitch), Film Feature, Women Filmmaker (Terry Ross and Lisa Bruhn)
Théotime Massard (France), DECONNEXION, Film Short
Tian Tang (USA), Deal With It, Film Short (Student)
Vanessa McNeal (USA), The Voiceless, Women Filmmaker
Wu Jia (China), The thing to fulfill, Public Service Programming / PSA
Wyatt Shipp (USA), Victim, Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger
Yihua Liu (China), Lilies’ Talk, LGBT
Yun Joo Chang (Korea ), Momo, LGBT
Zachary Goldman (USA), My Story, Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger
Zack Birlew (USA), The Review – A Fatal Frame Fan Film, Webisode
Zhichun Huang (USA), Wash, Asian (Student)