The judges wish to recognize the Award of Recognition winners for their achievement in a specific category of entry
A.L. Pruitt and MaKenna Perkal (USA), The Rich Kid Rules, Ep. 1: 362 Rules of a High School Dropout, Actor: Leading (Omar Zhari as Frankie)
Aaron Louis (USA), Staircase Stomp by The Clamor, Animation, Music Video, Original Song
Abdullah Omar Eskubi (Saudi Arabia), Sarih | سارح, Cinematography, Film Short, Islamic Filmmaker
Alberto Diamante (Canada), Rattlesnake Point, Film Feature
Bill Dwyer (USA), A Little Human Spark, Film Short
Canon Streich (USA), DespAIR, Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger
Carol J. Amore (USA), Arctic Polar Bear Mothers, Nature / Environment / Wildlife
Chris Jack (Canada), The Suffering of Others, Film Feature, Movie Trailer
Chris Manydeeds (USA), The Styrofoam Shaman, Script / Writer
Conni St. Pierre (USA), Dream Tourist – Conni St. Pierre, Music Video, Editing
Dave Huynh Macon (Canada), 115, Asian Filmmaker
Denise Gentilini (USA), Let Freedom Ring, Liberation / Social Justice / Protest
Douglas J. Corcoran (USA), Sacrificed; Trading Art for War!, Documentary Short
Franz Michael Gottleib and John Rausch (USA), Tango Fine’, Film Feature, Actress: Supporting (Sabrina Harding as Goddess of Universal Knowledge)
Gavin Rapp (USA), Holy Driver – Pilot S2, Television – Pilot Program
Grant Anderson (USA), Unsanctioned Bounty, Film Short (Student), Actor: Leading (Student) (Dom Desroches as Cedric Brown), Direction (Student)
Greg Kirkpatrick, Jr. (USA), Another Day, Filmmaker with Disability, Experimental
Hao Zhang (USA), THE PARASiTE, Film Short
IAFilm collaboration (New Zealand), Brave Love, Actress: Leading (Paula Wray as Valerie Brandon)
Javon Everett, Wesley Crutcher and Tionnedre Tribble (USA), Embers, Music Video, Dramatic Impact
Jeff Hinz (USA), Cordy, Experimental
Jennifer DiMarco, Blue Forge Films (USA), Dissidents, Original Score (Brianne DiMarco)
Jim Menza (USA), Kick the Can, Film Feature, Direction, Actor: Supporting (Rocco Menza as Jack)
JingYi Du (China), Mama, Women Theme (Student), Film Short (Student), Script / Writer (Student), Editing (Student)
Jody Stelzig (USA), The WeedHacker Massacre, Actress: Leading (Molly Sakonchick as Candy Kersey), Actress: Supporting (Bonnie Grace as Rene Carpenter), Film Feature, Script / Writer (Ray Spivey), Casting (Ray Spivey)
Joey 西侧龙 (China), DAYDREAMERS, Experimental, Women Theme
Jon Meggison (USA), Battle Of Love, Film Short
Kally Hall (USA), Darkstar, Music Video (Student)
Kevin Veatch (USA), The Talent Show, Chicken, and Mr. Birke, Children / Family Programming, Narration / Voice-Over Talent (acting) (Mia McGlinn as Chicken)
Michael O’Bernicia (United Kingdom), Nefarious, Film Feature
Michael Ross Catania (USA), KEPLER 62 EXPERIMENT – Episode #1, Original Score
Preston Shuttlesworth (USA), Alex: The Detective, African American Filmmaker, Film Short
Shayan Murray and Ten Alphas-Nick Bolton and Jess Milne (Australia), Trip Down Memory Lake, Film Short, Actress: Leading (Selena Rosevelt as Young Georgia), Actor: Leading (Shayan Murray as Joey), Direction
Sheila Gail O’Rourke and Boris Temujin Jocoy (USA), Dry Wells of the Paso Basin: A Tragedy of the Commons, Documentary Feature
Shihyun Wang (Nigeria), Destination Oscar, Editing
Shogo Hashimoto (Japan), Monkey-Chasing Festival, Documentary Short
Susan Thomson (Ireland), The Swimming Diaries, Experimental, Direction
Tom Michaels (USA), Older Self, Direction
Tracey April Cochrane (Canada), Ndazkoh, Documentary Feature, Videography
Vijay Bosco (United Arab Emirates), Leab- Doors, Deals, Distance, Television – Pilot Program
Visionary Y (Korea), The Last Guardian, Nature / Environment / Wildlife
William R. Andrea (USA), The Raven (Nic Andrea & The Verdict), Music Video, Editing
Wolfgang Friedrich Müller (Germany), BERLIN. EVERYTHING’S-CHANGED PLACE, Documentary Short, Film Short
Yahn Kawamoto (Japan), The JUSTICES, Film Short
Yuliya Levashova (Ukraine), Warmth of Parents, Experimental
Yuliya Levashova (Ukraine), Ballad of the Millennial Dream, Script / Writer, Experimental
Yuliya Levashova (Ukraine), Reality or Illusion, Script / Writer
Zemario Sheppard (USA), Unvaccinated, Documentary Short (Student), African American Filmmaker (Student)